COVID-19 Statement of Policy
Document Date Updated 17 May 2021
Document Author Jules Addison
Reference JAM/051721/C19
Brief Outline
JAM Duo are committed to the safety of both themselves and their clients while performing on location. This statement describes the measures in place to adopt safe best practice with particular reference to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The two members of JAM Duo (Jules Addison & Anne-Marie Humphries – J&AM) are from the same household and so operate within that bubble for the purposes of this work.
Arrival and Setup
J&AM will generally travel in a single vehicle to most venues. Prior to disembarking the vehicle hands will be sanitized with a suitable sanitizer.
At the point of requiring access to a venue both indoors or outdoors face masks will be worn in accordance with the current government guidance.
All equipment, including musical instruments, are sanitized and cleaned on a daily basis and after each and every performance. Any item bought on site will only be handled by J&AM.
The Performance
Piano and Cello are both regarded as Covid Safe instruments. Both instruments can be played wearing a face mask if necessary although in most cases face coverings would not be worn to perform. If required by the venue or customer to wear a face mask during performance J&AM will comply with this.
JAM Duo require a space of around two meters square to perform – whether indoors or outdoors. Whilst performing J&AM will remain in the space allocated. In each hour or performance J&AM will require a short five to ten minute break. This will ideally involve walking around the venue or outdoors if possible. Guidance will be taken from the venue as to any restricted areas or venue policies on this matter.
During the performance J&AM will have access to a personal supply of hand sanitizer which will be used as appropriate, particularly at such times as movement around the venue is required.
De-Rig and Departure
At the end of the performance J&AM will pack away the instruments and return them to the vehicle(s) in as few trips as possible. During this process face masks will be worn if appropriate or required by the venue.
Once all instruments and equipment are returned to the vehicle J&AM will sign out (as required) from the venue and depart.
Requirements from the Venue
JAM Duo recognize that each venue will also have its own requirements for contractors and would request that venues and other involved parties provide copies of their COVID Risk Assessments highlighting any relevant points to be taken into consideration.
In most cases J&AM have very little requirement from the venues which affect this policy. Access to bathroom facilities for hand washing would be preferable but not essential.
Once J&AM have been directed to the performance space and all instruments / equipment has been brought in from the vehicle they have no further requirement from the venue.