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A Thousand Years” is a song recorded by American singer and songwriter Christina Perri, and written by Perri and David Hodges, for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1.

Based on an analysis of various websites it seems that the song which appears on the most first dance playlists is “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri.

So we thought given the popularity of the song certainly during 2020 (for the few weddings which actually went ahead) we ought to make our own version.

What makes a popular wedding song?

Some first dance songs will have a special meaning for the couple – perhaps a song that was played a lot when you first met or the tune that was playing as your eyes met across a crowded room!

Some couples choose a song that reminds them of an event – a great concert, festival, your first holiday together or special occasion.

Other ideas include choosing a song to fit with the theme of the wedding – if you’re having a retro wedding then something with a retro vibe, for a vintage wedding, a crooner classic will suit, or maybe a song you both heard at Electric Picnic for a Summer outdoor wedding vibe.

If you’re a classic romanticist then a first dance song that has romance or love at its core; a good soppy song to make everyone say awwwwh, as you trip the light fantastic.

happy newlywed couple dancing first dance
Photo by Jonathan Borba on

Given the popularity of a Thousand Years by Christina Perri, we decided an arrangement and recording for Cello and Piano was long overdue. And so this week we went back into the studio and you can now listen to the results below. We hope you enjoy listening to this song.

If you have a favourite song that you would like us to play and you would like to hear how it might sound on Cello and Piano, then please drop us a line and we will record a short sample for you.

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