Today we returned to Coombe Lodge in Blagdon, Somerset, which is one of our most visited venues for the delightful wedding of Ashley and Danny. Since we were last at Coombe Lodge we have moved house and in fact are now slightly nearer this delightful venue.
The Wedding
Ashley and Danny
Coombe Lodge Blagdon
Thursday 12 December 2024
Ceremony and Drinks Reception
The Wedding Ceremony
Starting in the ceremony room we, as usual, set up at the back of the room in the bay window where there is an ideal space for us to position with our instruments. It does mean we can’t see the front of the room but we can see the bridal entrance between the guests so can count in the bridesmaids along with the bride and then work out from experience the point the bride has arrived at the front! For us the timing of the bridal entrance is paramount and it is one of our key points that we like to emphasise in that the music will always be timed to perfection.

Music for the Ceremony
Pre Ceremony
Stargazing – Myles Smith
Crazy thing called love – Queen
Better Together – Jack Johnson
Brown eyed girl – Van Morrison
Stand By Me – Oasis
Wake me up before you go – Wham
Bridal Entrance
Dancing Queen – Abba
Piano Man – Billy Joel
The Blackbird – Wurzels
We go together (Grease)
The Drinks Reception
After the ceremony we relocated to the bar area for the drinks reception which followed. We set up during the confetti shot and so for the guests we were then seamlessly relocated and playing music by the time they came back in for drinks and canapes.
We really enjoyed being a part of Ashley and Danny’s wedding at Coombe Lodge and we wish them all the best as they embark on their married life together. As we were packing away we reflected on the fact that in a few days time we would be returning to Coombe Lodge for another wedding there!