After a gap of a few months to take in the rest of the country, today we found ourselves back in the lovely South Western county of Cornwall. The venue was Polhawn Fort which is an exclusive use wedding venue on the Southern Coast of Cornwall.
The Wedding
Laura and Simon
Polhawn Fort
28 June 2022

Arriving at the venue we found ourselves with a lot of steps to negotiate in order to get ourselves and our piano shell to the ceremony area. But it was most definitely worth the extra effort as albeit not the sunniest of days, the ceremony was in a beautiful location overlooking the sea.
With the sea echoing all around, it’s a natural setting to bring all your love ones together for your ceremony. The sweeping lawn is framed against the perfect sea horizon backdrop.

Despite the grey clouds overhead the bride arrived looking amazing in her beautiful wedding dress. The only thing we had to contend with was an outdoor noise limiter.
However, after a quick discussion with the wedding planner at the venue, it was agreed we could use the electric cello and piano connected through to our Bose speaker. The limits didnt really apply for the ceremony but we were asked to keep volumes lower for the drinks reception.
After the ceremony the newly weds walked out to a song which was new to us called ‘A Town Called Malice’. We really love getting to know new songs for our wedding couples and this was a delight to play.
This song was recorded by British Band, The Jam. The title is a play on words of the 1950 Nevil Shute novel A Town Like Alice, although writer Paul Weller says he had not read the book at the time.

Having found a spot on the lawn we were fortunate not to have to move as the drinks reception was in the same space as the wedding ceremony. However, just as we were celebrating not having to move our piano shell, the heavens opened and the drinks reception was moved indoors.
Not just indoors however. Indoors, actually meant on the roof of the building but under cover. Luckily we enlisted the help of some groomsmen who kindly carried our piano shell back up to car park. We decided in light of the weather it would be easier and quicker to put the piano shell back in the car and use our keyboard stand for the second half of the drinks reception. This also turned out to be a good call due to a somewhat smaller space being available.

No matter, within 15 minutes or so we were back up and playing to the guests in the new location. Fortunately in the new space we were able to up the volumes a little which was good as in such a confined and enclosed space, chatter during these occasions can be quite loud!

Musicians for Your Wedding
JAM Duo have played for a number of weddings in Cornwall. We would love to be part of your wedding whether in Cornwall, Devon or for that matter anywhere else in the UK. If you would like to find out more do please get in touch via our contact page.
[…] wedding was in Ilfracombe on the North Devon Coast. Yesterday we were down in Cornwall for Laura and Simon. And tomorrow, we are off to Somerset! Watch this space to keep up with our latest weddings and […]