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Every year the John Lewis Christmas advert is waited for with much anticipation. This year is no exception and their advert for Christmas 2022 certainly doesn’t disappoint.

John Lewis Partnership Christmas Advert 2022

This year the song chosen for the advert is ‘All The Small Things’ originally by Blink 182 which has been reimagined for the advert by the US artist Mike Geier.

The opening scene features a middle aged man attempting to learn how to use a skateboard, with limited success. The story follows him practicing in secret before cutting to a scene at home when the doorbell rings.

At the doorstep is a social worker with a foster child called Ellie who is clutching a skateboard. She spots the skateboard in the hallway at which point the man admits he ‘skates a bit too’.

The poignant moment of the advert is the final Voice Over:

Over 108,000 children in the UK are in the care system. We’re making a long term commitment to support the futures of young people from care

John Lewis (Christmas Advert 2022)

To show our own support in a very small way, JAM Duo have recorded their own take of this song arranged for Cello and Piano which we hope you enjoy.

JAM Duo are Wedding and Event musicians in the UK. If you would like to talk to us about providing music for your wedding or Christmas event then please do get in touch via our contact page.

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