One of the most popular groups requested for a wedding ceremony or drinks reception is an ‘acoustic duo’. However, the term is potentially extremely wide ranging and one wonders just what the official definition is.
If you ask Google – which is probably today’s ‘go to’ for an answer to any question, then you will find a number of music agencies who offer a variety of different acts suitable for your wedding day. Some of them specify acoustic duo, some don’t.
What is an Acoustic Duo?
Of course an exact definition of the term isn’t that difficult. The two words taken separately give you a fairly clear definition. An acoustic duo (in the music world) means 2 musicians (duo) who perform acoustically (i.e without amplification). This all seems entirely feasible and logical until you start going through the online agencies.
By their definition, an acoustic duo seems to imply a singer and guitarist. No problem with that until you consider that the vast majority are playing an electric guitar with a singer holding a microphone connected to a small PA system. Strictly speaking therefore, the acoustic part of the definition has, in this example, failed.
Are JAM Duo an Acoustic Duo?
Surprisingly, this is not a simple question. Or at least not a question which has a straightforward answer. JAM Duo comprises Cello (an acoustic instrument) and Piano (also an acoustic instrument). So when we play together at home using our Grand Piano to accompany the cello, we are performing entirely acoustically.
However, there is a slight issue with transporting a Grand Piano. So, not surprisingly, when we play at weddings we use a digital piano. The sound quality is about as close as it’s possible to be to a grand piano and we feel this is a perfectly good and sensible option. However, strictly speaking even just using the piano on its own without a PA system, it is not acoustic.

If you would like to book JAM Duo (Cello and Piano Duo) to play for your wedding in Glos / Gloucestershire or further afield please contact us. Currently JAM Duo do not charge travel expenses no matter where in the UK your wedding is taking place.